Recreation Registration Frequently Questions
If you are unsure if you have an account, click the "SIGN IN / REGISTER" link at the top of the online registration home screen OR the FORGOT PASSWORD? button under the log in screen on the home page.

Enter your email address, click the I am not a robot check box, and click the submit button.

- If you have an account, your password/username will be emailed to you.
- If you type in an email address that is not in our system you will not receive an email and will need to click "Create Account" to register online.
NOTE: If you believe you have any account and think your email address might not be linked correctly please contact us by calling 662-8243, use the contact us option at the top of the page, or email
On the Devils Lake Park District online registration home page:

o You will be prompted to enter your account information, including the primary contact for your household’s account. All red fields are required before you can save your account.

Add any additional house hold family members to your account by clicking the ADD NEW MEMBER button at the bottom of the screen.

Fill in the red required fields.

You can also set up additional family members after your account is activated.
Once you have everything entered, check the box for I AM NOT A ROBOT and click SAVE.
After your account is created you will receive an email to verify your email address.
You must be logged into your Devils Lake Park District account.
There are two ways to update your household account information:
1. Click the "Account Name" tab at the top of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear, and you can select different options under the "My Account" sub-menu.
2. Click the Update Household button on the home screen.

On the screen you can update any primary member or family member's information or add new members.

Once you have made the changes make sure to hit save.
If you want to update your account password you need to first log into your account with your current password.
There are two ways to change your password.
1. Click the Change Password button on the home screen.
Click the down arrow and select My Profile.

Once the Profile Page opens click the down arrow on Account Password

Enter your existing password and your new password and confirm and click Change Password.

If you are trying to register a family member for a Park District Activity and get an error message after clicking the add to cart button it is most likely one of three issues:
1. The child's grade is not entered in the database
2. Your child is not added as a household member in your account.
3. Your child is listed as a primary member under your account instead of a parent being listed at the primary member.

To fix this error click the back button then click your account name/number down at the top to bring up the menu bar. In the menu bar select Household Account Management.

Once on your household dashboard click the Household and Member Update button.

First make sure that the primary account information is entered as parent information and not child information as there is no grade field in the primary account information section.

Next scroll down to see your child's information and update to their correct grade.
If you do not see your child click the add new member button and complete the required fields. Make sure you click the Save button after you are finished updating or entering information.

After you save your information you will be returned back to activities. You might need to re-add the activity to your cart. If your grade is update and you are still having troubles clear your selection in your cart and re-add the activity to the cart and checkout.